Meet Our New Credit Coach

Credit Score Coach Adriana

In October 2018, DebtWave Credit Counseling, Inc. welcomed the newest addition to our team: Meet Adriana Sanchez Torres, our new Credit Score Coach.

You may have received a call from Adriana already. As DebtWave’s gift to our clients, our team is reaching out to clients who’ve been on our debt management program for at least one year and offering a free credit score analysis. However, an appointment with DebtWave’s credit score coach is a free resource for any of DebtWave’s active clients.

Meet Our New Credit Coach

People-oriented financial freedom

For many of us, the world of finance can be confusing, hard-to-navigate and is filled with acronyms and terminology that can leave you with more questions than answers. Enter Adriana.

“I like to talk in terms that people understand and I like to talk to people in a way that addresses their own concerns when it comes to money,” she said.

Adriana notes she also tries to help people feel a little more at ease if their credit score isn’t exactly where they’d like it to be at the moment.

“A credit score value really just illustrates what kind of debtor you are,” she said. “Are you reliable, or not?”

“A common misconception is that your credit score determines if you are debt-free. It does not,” Adriana stresses.

What happens during my appointment?

Prior to speaking with you, Adriana will ‘soft pull’ your credit score, meaning it won’t negatively affect your score, but she’ll have access to your recent credit score and can use that as the basis for your discussion.

After sharing some information she’s gleaned about your financial record, such as the factors that comprise your credit score, and areas in which you can personally work on to improve your credit score, Adriana likes to give clients a chance to ask for advice and have their questions answered.

“There are online competitors that may give you your credit score number, but at the cost of selling your information to credit card companies and loan sharks. At DebtWave, we give you advice based on your goals,” Adriana said.

“I want to know what YOUR goal is. Is it to buy a home? Be debt free? Save for retirement? Whatever it may be, you can be sure I’ll be cheering you on.”

To make an appointment with a DebtWave Credit Score Coach, please call us at 888-686-4040.

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