12 Must-Read Personal Finance Books Written by Black Authors

Black Authors

Personal finance books are a great tool for anyone on a journey to improve their financial health and habits. There are thousands of different personal finance books to choose from. Still, sometimes it helps to read a book or garner financial advice from someone who has lived a life similar to yours, faced similar financial challenges, and can share financial tips and tricks relevant to you and your personal finances.

In honor of Black History Month, we wanted to highlight 12 of our favorite personal finance books written by Black authors. While there are thousands of fantastic personal finance books written by Black authors, these 12 books are ones that we found to be incredibly helpful on our debt-free journey, as well as helped us understand a variety of other personal-finance related topics such as your money mindset, talking to kids about money, paying off debt, and the cost of discrimination that affects our individual finances.

12 Must-Read Personal Finance Books Written by Black Authors

1. “Get Good with Money” by Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetnista

In “Get Good with Money: 10 Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole,” Tiffany Aliche shares financial mishaps and wins, stories from her real life that are incredibly relatable. Aliche’s personal stories make you feel like you’re not doomed to be stuck in debt forever if you’ve made a financial mistake in your life, such as trusting the wrong people and being taken advantage of by financial scams, investing in financial courses by charging them on a credit card, as well as having a tremendous amount of financial fear – even after you pay off all your debt.

Aliche’s experience as a preschool teacher shines through in this book as she turns complex financial topics into easily digestible steps anyone can do. For example, Aliche advises that when you make a financial mistake, view it as if you’ve just spilled juice or milk – there’s no need to cry over it or beat yourself up, grab a paper towel, clean it up, and move on. 

A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestseller, “Get Good With Money,” is a great book for anyone and everyone looking to improve their financial situation by carefully examining their relationship with money, debt, saving, and even their money mindset.

Buy It: https://www.amazon.com/Get-Good-Money-Becoming-Financially/dp/0593232747

2. “The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America” by Shawn Rochester

In “The Black Tax: The Cost of being Black in America,” Shawn Rochester lays out evidence-based arguments regarding how The Black Tax (which is the financial cost of conscious and unconscious anti-black discrimination) creates a massive financial burden on Black American households that dramatically reduces their ability to leave a substantial legacy for future generations. 

Listeners of the Talk Wealth To Me podcast may recognize this book and author, as we were lucky enough to have Rochester join us to discuss this book and his findings in Episode #055. But that episode barely scratched the surface of what Rochester included in his book, so we had to include it on our must-read list.

Readers will walk away more informed on what policies and behaviors affect Black wealth in industries ranging from real estate, automotive insurance, and the job market, to name a few. Plus, Rochester smartly includes strategies readers can implement in their own lives to help reverse the Black Tax by creating jobs and businesses designed to empower the Black community for generations to come.

If you’re interested in creating generational wealth and empowering others, this is definitely a must-read for you on your financial journey!

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Tax-Cost-Being-America/dp/0999007203/

3. “Start Here: Your Guide to Building Your Money Management System” by Melody Wright, Ph.D., CFEO

If you have found yourself stuck in a cycle of debt, paying off debt, only to incur more debt again, “Start Here” is a great book for you, especially if you are ready to get off the debt train. As the author, Melody Wright, shares, she too found herself stuck in a debt cycle, a debt-scapades as she refers to it. But when she found herself in debt to the tune of $212,000, not including her mortgage, she asked herself the familiar question: how did I get here, and became inspired to change her financial situation so she wouldn’t end up back in this familiar predicament again.

A reformed shopaholic, Wright guides readers through her scientific and honest approach to creating a Money Management System that works for you and your money. But it’s not just a how-to guide to get out of the cycle of debt. Wright energizes the reader by reminding you that the mere acknowledgment that you want to change your finances for the better is a win and that taking a baby step, such as reading this book, are reasons to celebrate that you are on the right path to improving your money.

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Start-Here-Building-Management-System/dp/1735505404

4. “The Story of Three Little Divas: Reach Your Money Goal in 3 Steps: Before You Huff and Puff and Blow Your Next Paycheck Away” by Brandy Baxter

This is not just a book; it’s a workbook designed to help you improve your relationship with money, whether you have debt or not. We love this workbook because it acknowledges a common cultural issue we come across when trying to improve our finances: we’re not supposed to talk about money with our friends or family. It’s oftentimes considered rude to have open and frank conversations about money, but this book questions that money philosophy by pointing out all the things we do share with our friends and family and asks us to consider all that we can learn by sharing our various financial experiences and money mistakes with one another. 

Especially if you’re new to a debt-free journey or have a specific financial goal in mind that may require the support of close friends and family, this workbook is an awesome tool to help you learn how to communicate effectively about money. Who knows, after reading this book, you may be willing to break the ice and share your salary or financial tips with loved ones, allowing your entire social circle to level up financially.

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Story-Three-Little-Divas-Paycheck-ebook/dp/B07RWX27XP

5. “Money Talks: The Ultimate Couple’s Guide to Communicating about Money” by Talaat and Tai McNeely

Money issues are the second most common reason couples divorce, right up there with issues around sex. Any couple who has struggled with debt knows the stress it can bring to their relationship, especially since it’s quite rare for two people to have the exact same money mindset or beliefs when it comes to spending, saving, and paying off debt. Even if you are married to someone with similar financial beliefs as you, you may have different ideas of what is ok to spend on hobbies or how much you need to set aside and plan when it comes to short-term money goals or even long-term money goals.

Luckily these kinds of relationship struggles are not unique to you and your partner. And the financial geniuses behind His and Her Money, Talaat and Tai McNeely, a real-life married couple, break down in this book how to communicate about money in a healthy and productive way with your partner. They even include tips for rebuilding trust if one partner acquires thousands of debt before letting their partner in on their financial secret.

We often recommend that couples have financial date nights to update one another on what’s going on with their finances, and this book could be a great guide for those couples who are just getting started when it comes to having open and honest money talks. The book even includes helpful discussion prompts you can ask your partner, allowing you to have productive conversations without finger-pointing and blaming. After all, isn’t the goal to work together to build a financial empire?

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Money-Talks-Ultimate-Couples-Communicating/dp/1517483182

6. “The 21-Day Financial Fast” by Michelle Singletary

You’ve likely heard of a 21-day diet cleanse, but have you heard of “The 21-Day Financial Fast?” Written by Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary, the book is essentially a how-to guide to shake up your finances in the same way that a strict diet cleanses your gut health. 

Inspired by Singletary’s own 21-day financial fast in 2005, this book is a guide on how to reduce or eliminate consumerism by buying only essential items for 21 days. Another rule? You can’t use credit cards or debit cards – only cash. The idea isn’t to punish you; it’s to help you detox from the habit of buying things to impress other people, to remove yourself from the I want it, I bought it culture, and to really focus on getting your finances in order, in figuring out what is important to you, and even what being rich or wealthy means to you. 

As the author herself acknowledges, this financial fast is not easy, and you may find yourself praying to a higher power to help you make it through. But the clarity that comes through may be worth it, especially if you’re worried about your finances, if you are struggling with debt, or if you are looking for a way to purge toxic financial behaviors out of your system.

If you’re looking for some kind of dramatic push to improve your relationship with money and rid yourself of the cycle of overspending, this book is a must-read.

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/21-Day-Financial-Fast-Peace-Freedom/dp/0310338336/

7. “4 Financial Languages: The Secrets to Communicating About Money” by Tarra Jackson – Madam Money

You’ve likely heard of the five love languages by Gary Chapman and how it helps couples understand how to show their partner they love them, as well as to communicate to their partner the way they need to be loved. But have you heard of the four financial languages? If you haven’t, Madam Money, Tarra Jackson’s book, is a resource that could go a long way in helping you and your partner communicate more effectively in your relationship. 

This book understands that for healthy relationships to succeed, we have to be able to have honest, effective communication when it comes to money. But given all the taboos surrounding financial discussions, most of us don’t know how to communicate our money needs to another person. 

Luckily in “The 4 Financial Languages,” Madam Money includes worksheets and even scripts to help you communicate about money with your partner. The testimonials and case studies from Madam Money’s clients prove to be a fascinating read, and it helps that the author even includes what not to do when it comes to money dates so that the love in your relationship can flow and the financial stress can hit the road.

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Languages-Secrets-Communicating-About/dp/1090360657/

8. “From Burning to Blueprint: Rebuilding Black Wall Street After a Century of Silence” by Kevin L Matthews II 

Did you know that Tulsa, Oklahoma, was once a thriving economic capital, a powerhouse known as the headquarters of Black Wall Street? At least, it was until the city was essentially burned to the ground in 1921 due to race-fueled hatred. 

In his book, “From Buring to Blueprint,” Kevin L. Matthews II not only shares the history of Black Wall Street and the financial impact that racism has on the Black community, he outlines how the Black community can empower itself once again by sharing tips on how to put money back into the hands of other Black community members. It’s a powerful, emotional read, filled with modern-day examples of Black lives lost too soon and tips on how to financially re-empower the Black community once again by creating generational wealth.

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Burning-Blueprint-Rebuilding-Century-Silence/dp/1736666703

9. “Amber’s Magical Savings Box” by Rachael Hanible

Did you know that our money mindset and money habits are largely formed by the time we are seven years old?! 

If you have young ones at home, one way to get them thinking in a healthy way about money is by reading “Amber’s Magical Savings Box.” This beautifully illustrated children’s book tells the story of Amber and her attempts to earn money so that she can buy what she wants at the mall, a story that definitely resonates with young children and inspires them to find creative ways to start earning their own money and not just spend it, but save it. There are even activity pages in the book allowing parents to have age-appropriate money talks with young ones to help set them on the right path for having a healthy relationship with money later in life. 

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Amber%C2%92s-Magical-Savings-Box-Interactive/dp/1546234446/

10. “What Are the Money Rules? Rayna Teaches Her Baby Brother the Family Money Rules” by Rayna A. Brown 

One way to raise financially savvy kids is by implementing healthy money habits early on in life. Another great way for kids to learn about money is by letting them learn from their peers. And in “What Are the Money Rules,” this children’s money book does exactly that – it lets young people learn about money from another young child because it was written by a young girl, Rayna A. Brown, who wanted to share her financial wisdom with her younger brother. It’s a fun read that really allows your kids to feel empowered around the topic of money and may inspire them to think differently about spending, saving, and earning.

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/What-Are-Money-Rules-Teaches-ebook/dp/B07HDB3LMG/

11. “HussleNomics: Money, Ownership & Business Lessons Inspired by Nipsey Hussle + a Step by Step Guide on How to Implement Each Principle” by Ash Cash

Many of us know Nipsey Hussle as a Los Angeles-based rapper and songwriter. But as author Ash Cash notes in “HussleNomics,” Nipsey Hussle was also an entrepreneur, a real estate investor, and a cryptocurrency enthusiast, to name a few of his side hustles. In this book, Cash shares how Hussle believed that financial independence was the key ingredient in receiving financial abundance and breaks down how you can implement that same ideology in your own life. Although Hussle’s financial savviness wasn’t always the main focus of his career or legacy, Cash breaks down steps Hussle took to empower himself financially and how Hussle viewed his financial power as a way to empower the next generation of his community. Noting that even his clothing store, Marathon Clothing, was named to honor the long journey that is sometimes required to empower oneself financially and how by passing the baton to the next runner, our financial wealth can be passed on from generation to generation. 

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/HussleNomics-Ownership-Business-Implement-Principle/dp/1949303047/

12. “Teach Your Child To Fish: Five Money Habits Every Child Should Master” by Holly D. Reid, CPA

For those looking for more Christian faith-based ways to teach their children about money management skills and understanding money, “Teach Your Child to Fish” may be the book you’re looking for. It’s a book that invites you to ask yourself: What money lessons do you wish you could go back in time and teach yourself? What do you wish someone would have taught you about money? About consumer culture? About spending and debt? This book and accompanying workbook allow parents to guide their children from an early age toward having a healthy relationship with money and understanding best practices when it comes to money management, all with the support of various Biblical scriptures to leave a legacy of financial savviness for generations to come. 

Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Teach-Your-Child-Fish-Habits/dp/069270390X