Looking to educate yourself on the basics of personal finance? Then our Financial Education Program may be the perfect tool for you!
At DebtWave Credit Counseling, we believe financial education is just as important as helping you get out of debt. We’ve even found that exposure to financial literacy programs has a positive impact on a person’s credit score.
In a focus group of 116 DebtWave clients, we found that those who participated in a one-on-one credit counseling session, as well as completed the Smart With Your Money (S.W.Y.M.) Financial Education Program. On their one-year anniversary of enrolling in DebtWave’s debt management program, 79 of the 116 participants saw an increase in their FICO score; with scores increasing on average from 625 to 638. The 29 participants who continued the financial education program for a second year saw another increase in their FICO score, with the average credit score increasing from 612 to 686.
Register for one of our FREE S.W.Y.M. LIVE! Financial Education Series webinars or download our FREE Smart With Your Money (S.W.Y.M.) workbook. Start learning how to create a budget, how to build wealth, ensure your saving enough for your future, and better understand your credit score.
Once you complete the workbook, unlock your personal financial knowledge with our free financial literacy test.